Current Areas of Action and Interest

Our focus and work will evolve in response to emerging trends and issues. For now, the following are grabbing our attention and influencing our work:

Funding Reform

Toronto Nonprofit Network is committed to working as a unified voice on a number of issues related to funding support for the sector.

It works with a diversity of nonprofit organizations and grassroots community groups and promotes funding support through government and foundation grants for unincorporated smaller grassroots community groups rather than through larger trustee organizations.

And it works to build support for nonprofits to invest in strategic infrastructure including funding for strategic planning, impact analysis, needs assessments and data frameworks.

Collaborative Service Models

Toronto Nonprofit Network is committed to working with the City of Toronto to plan services jointly and ensure they are delivered collaboratively. Toronto Nonprofit Network strives to have all levels of government recognize and support the role of the nonprofit sector through meaningful engagement, adequate funding and mutual respect.

Collaboration and partnership between sector organizations through Toronto Nonprofit Network will ensure a strong voice and action for both program enhancement and policy change to better the city’s diverse communities and neighbourhoods.

Poverty Reduction

Toronto Nonprofit Network is committed to promoting a shared vision for a co-ordinated poverty reduction plan among all funders including the city, province and federal government.

Decent Work

There are many issues that affect the estimated 200,000 employees working in the city’s nonprofit sector: employment stability; low levels of pension plan and benefits coverage; high rates of part-time and contract employment; underinvestment in training and development; and poor work/life integration for workers. There is a need to improve working conditions for all – in the nonprofit sector and beyond.

The decent work movement also presents an opportunity for the sector to act as a champion of working conditions and social policies that not only ensure dignified and supportive work environments for employees, but also support the overall health and effectiveness of the nonprofit sector.